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Accordi Chitarra: ecco gli accordi di chitarra per suonare Unforgivable Sinner di Lene Marlin.
Gli accordi di chitarra presenti in questa canzone sono: MI-, DO, RE, LA-9, DOadd9, FA#, LA-.
Clicca sui nomi degli accordi di chitarra qui sopra per vedere come si fanno, nel caso non lo sapessi.
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Lene Marlin è l’autrice di questa canzone, Unforgivable Sinner, una canzone molto suonata per radio negli anni 90 che richiama molto il mood di quel periodo.
La canzone contiene abbastanza accordi ma abbastanza semplice da suonare e cantare.
Qui di seguito puoi vedere il video ufficiale del brano di Lene Marlin, Unforgivable Sinner :
Ecco invece qui di seguito gli accordi di chitarra per suonare il brano:
Strum: Mim Do Re Do (x 2 Volte) Mim Do Kinda lose your sence of time 'cause the days don't matter no more Re Do Lam9 All the feelings that you hide gonna tear you up inside Re You hope she knows you tried Mim Follows you around all day Do And you wake up soaking wet Re 'Cause between this world and eternity Do Lam9 There is a face you hope to see Mim Do You know where you've sent her, you sure know where you are Re Sol You're trying to ease off, but you know you won't get far Do Re And now she's up there sings like an angel Sol Re/Fa# Mim But you can't hear those words Doadd9 Re And now she's up there sings like an angel Mim Unforgivable sinner Mim You've been walking around in tears Do No answers are there to get Re You won't ever be the same Do Someone cries and you're to blame Mim Struggling with a fight inside Do Sorrow you'll defeat Re The picture you see it won't dissappear Do Lam9 Not unpleasant dreams or her voice you hear Mim Do You know where you've sent her, you sure know where you are Re Sol You're trying to ease off, but you know you won't get far Do Re And now she's up there sings like an angel Sol Re/Fa# Mim But you can't hear those words Doadd9 Re And now she's up there sings like an angel Mim Unforgivable sinner Strum: Mim Do Re Do (x 2 Volte) Lam Mim Maybe one time lost but now you're found Re Do Stand right up before you hit the ground Lam Mim Maybe one time lost but now you're found Re Do Stand right up before you hit the ground Do Hit the ground Mim Do You know where you've sent her, you sure know where you are Re Sol You're trying to ease off, but you know you won't get far Do Re And now she's up there sings like an angel Sol Re/Fa# Mim But you can't hear those words Doadd9 Re And now she's up there sings like an angel Mim Unforgivable sinner Strum: Mim Do Re Do (x 2 Volte) Mim
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