Accordi Chitarra: Castle On The Hill, Ed Sheeran

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Accordi Chitarra: ecco gli accordi di chitarra per suonare Castle on the hill di Ed Sheeran.

Gli accordi di chitarra presenti in questa canzone sono: RE, SOL, SI- , LA, LA4.

Clicca sui nomi degli accordi di chitarra qui sopra per vedere come si fanno, nel caso non lo sapessi.

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Castle on the Hill è un singolo del cantautore britannico Ed Sheeran, il primo estratto dal quinto album in studio  e pubblicato il 6 gennaio 2017. Composto da Sheeran stesso insieme a Benny Blanco e pubblicato in contemporanea a Shape of You, si tratta di un brano folk/pop influenzato dalle musiche di Bruce Springsteen.

Qui di seguito puoi vedere il video tutorial del brano di Castle on the hill, Ed Sheeran:

Qui di seguito puoi vedere il video del brano di Castle on the hill, Ed Sheeran:

Ecco invece qui di seguito gli accordi di chitarra per suonare il brano:

Re                      Sol              Sim  La
  When I was six years old I broke my leg
Re                      Sol               Sim  La
  And I was running from my brother and his friends
Re                  Sol
  And tasted the sweet perfume
          Sim                 La
of the mountain grass as I rolled down
Re                Sol
  I was younger then
Sim                La
take me back to when I
Sol          La                  Re
  Found my heart and broke it here
ade friends and lost them through the years
And I've not seen
the roaring fields in so long
I know I've grown
But I can't wait to go home
  Re        Sol
I'm on my way,
Sim         La4
driving at ninety
       RE             Sol
Down those country lanes
    Sim         La4
singing to Tiny Dancer
      Re         Sol
And I miss the way
        Sim       La4
you make me feel and it's real
       Re               Sol
When we watched the sunset
Sim        La4             Re
over the castle on the hill
Re               Sol
  Fifteen years old
              Sim                   La
and smoking hand-rolled cigarettes
Re                    Sol
  Running from the law
through the backfields
and getting drunk with my friends
Re              Sol               Sim
  Had my first kiss on a Friday night
I don't reckon I did it
Re                     Sol
Right, I was younger then,
   Sim                 La
take me back to when we found
Sol          La                  Re
  Weekend jobs and when we got paid
We'd buy cheap spirits and drink them straight
Me and my friends have not thrown
   Re             Sol
up in so long, oh how we've grown
Sol            La
But I can't wait to go home
  Re        Sol
I'm on my way,
Sim         La4
driving at ninety
       Re             Sol
Down those country lanes
    Sim         La4
singing to Tiny Dancer
      Re         Sol
And I miss the way
        Sim       La4
you make me feel and it's real
       Re               Sol
When we watched the sunset
Sim        La4             Re
over the castle on the hill
Re Sol Sim La4
       Over the castle on the hill
Re Sol Sim La4
       Over the castle on the hill
Sim  Sol Re  La4
Sim            Sol
   One friend left to sell clothes and,
  Re           La4
one works down by the coast
Sim              Sol
   One had two kids but lives alone
  Re         La4
one's brother overdosed
Sim         Sol
   One's already on his second wife
  Re             La4
one's just barely getting by but
Sim               Sol
   These people raised me and I__
   Re       La4
can't wait to go home
    Re         Sol
And I'm on my way
 Sim        La4
I still remember
        Re           Sol
These old country lanes
  Sim           La4
when we did not know the answers
      Re         Sol
And I miss the way
        Sim       La4
you make me feel and it's real
       Re               Sol
When we watched the sunset
Sim        La4             Re
over the castle on the hill
Re Sol Sim La4
       Over the castle on the hill
Re Sol Sim La4


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