Accordi Chitarra: Too Much Love Will Kill You, Queen
Accordi Chitarra: ecco gli accordi di chitarra per suonare Too Much Love Will Kill You dei Queen.
Gli accordi di chitarra presenti in questa canzone sono: SOL, RE11, RE/SOL, RE4, RE, DO9, DO/SOL, DO/MI, DO7+, DO, SI-, SOL/SI, DO#7, MI-, MIb, SOL/RE, LA-, DO/RE, REsus4, DO-/RE, SI-sus4/RE, SI-/RE, REsus4, MIb11+.
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Too Much Love Will Kill You è una canzone scritta ed incisa dal chitarrista dei Queen Brian May nel 1988. Apparì per la prima volta nel 1992 nel suo album solista Back To The Light, ma i fan dei Queen dovettero aspettare il 1995 per udire la versione cantata da Freddie Mercury, che comunque era morto quattro anni prima. Nel testo, May esprimeva la sue sensazioni durante il periodo del divorzio dalla moglie e la sua stessa incredulità nel rendersi conto di amare ugualmente due donne. Molto famosa è la versione con Luciano Pavarotti, esibita live durante il Pavarotti & Friends 2003, con il ritornello in italiano (“Troppo amor t’uccide”).
Qui di seguito puoi vedere il video tutorial del brano dei Queen, Too much love will kill you:
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Ecco invece qui di seguito gli accordi di chitarra per suonare il brano:
Intro: SOL RE/SOL - DO/SOL - SOL RE/SOL DO/MI RE4 SO DO7+ DO SOL I'm just the pieces of the man I used yo be RE/SOL MIm SIm DO Too many bitters are rainin' down on me LAm MIm LAm MIm I'm far away from home, and I've been facing this alone RE11 RE - DO9 for much too long. SOL DO SOL I feel like no one ever told the true to me, RE11 MIm SIm DO 'bout growning' up and what struggle it would be. LAm MIm LAm In my tangled state of mind, I've been looking back to MIm RE11 RE - DO9 find where I went wrong Rit. 1 SOL DO MIm RE Too much love will kill you if you can't make up your mind, SOL DO MIm RE torn between the lover, and the love you leave behind. SOL/SI DO SOL/RE DO#7 You're headed for disaster, 'cause you never read the signs, SOL/RE DO/RE SOL Too much love will kill you every' time. (ripetere tutto) Solo SOL RE/SOL - DO REsus4 RE - SOL DO - SOL RE/SOL - MIm SImsus4/RE SIm/RE - DO - LAm MIm - LAm MIm - REsus4 RE - DO/RE - Rit. 3 Coda SOL/RE DOm/RE too much love will kill MIb MIb11+ - MIb MIb11+ you in the end SOL in the end Ritornelli: I'm just a shadow of the man I used to be, and it seems like there's no way out of this for me. I used to bring you sunshine, now all I ever do is bring you down. How would it be if you were standing in my shoes? Can't you see it's impossible to choose? No there's no making sense of it, ev'ry way I go i have to lose, oh Rit. 2 Too much love will kill you just as sure as non at all. It'll drain the power that's in you, make you plead and scream and crawl. And the pain will make you crazy, you're the victim of your crime, Too much love will kill you every time. Rit. 3 Too much love will kill you, it will make your life a lie, yes too much love will kill you, and you won't understand why. You'll give your life, you'll send your soul, but here it comes again, (go to coda)
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