Accordi Chitarra: Die A Happy Man, Thomas Rhett

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Accordi Chitarra: ecco gli accordi di chitarra per suonare Die A Happy Man di Thomas Rhett.

Gli accordi di chitarra presenti in questa canzone sono: RE, SI-, SOL, MI-, FA#, SIb.

Clicca sui nomi degli accordi di chitarra qui sopra per vedere come si fanno, nel caso non lo sapessi.

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Thomas Rhett è l’autore di questa canzone, Die A Happy Man, una canzone che parla di come sia importante la persona che si ha vicino, piuttosto del luogo in cui ci si trova. Con la giusta persona, in qualsiasi luogo si può essere felici.

La canzone è molto romantica e abbastanza semplice.

Qui di seguito puoi vedere il video ufficiale del brano di Thomas Rhett, Die A Happy Man:

Ecco invece qui di seguito gli accordi di chitarra per suonare il brano:

RE    SIm   SOL   RE

Baby last night, was hands down,

one of the best nights, that I’ve had no doubt.

RE    SIm   SOL  RE

Between the bottle of wine and the look and your eyes

and the Marvin Gaye,

RE    SIm   SOL  RE

Then we danced in the dark, under September stars, 

in the pouring rain.


MIm    RE/FA#  SOL   RE                                 

And I know, that I can’t, ever tell you enough, 

MIm    RE/FA#  SOL   RE   

that all I need, in this life, is your crazy love.



SIm    SOL   RE

If I never get to see the Northern Lights,

Or if I never get to see the Eiffel Tower at night,

Oh If I all got, is your hand in my hand,

Baby I could die, a happy man…

A happy man baby



RE    SIm   SOL  RE

Baby that red dress, brings me to my knees. 

Oh, but that black dress, huh, makes it hard to breathe.

RE    SIm   SOL  RE

You’re a saint, you’re a goddess, the cutes, the hottest, a masterpiece.

RE    SIm   SOL  RE

It’s too good to be true, nothing better than you, in my wildest dreams

MIm    RE/FA#  SOL   RE                           

And I know, that I can’t, ever tell you enough, 

MIm    RE/FA#  SOL   LA

that all I need, in this life, is your crazy love.



SIm    SOL   RE

If I never get to see the Northern Lights,

Or if I never get to see the Eiffel Tower at night,

Oh If I all got, is your hand in my hand,

Baby I could die, a happy man… Yeah, yeah, yeah


 (Instrumental break)



SOL     SIb/RE     RE   SIm

I don’t need no vacation, no fancy destination, baby you’re my great escape.


SOL     SIb/RE     RE   SIm

We could stay at home, and listen to the radio, Dance around the fireplace.


(Chorus II)


Oh If I never get to build my mansion in Georgia,

Or drive a sports car up the coast in California,

OH, If I all got is your hand in my hand,

Baby I could die, a happy man.

Baby I could die, a happy man.

Oh, I could die, a happy man. You know I could girl.

I could die, I could die a happy man ..oooh-oooh



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